Do I need to pay for car parking?
From 4 April 2024, the University will be charging for car parking from 8am - 6pm each day. This means that we actively encourage parents to car share, or use public transport where possible. If you wish to use your car, you are advised to drop off children as close to 6pm each week day session to avoid paying car park charges.
On Saturdays, parents of gymnasts for our 10am class will need to pay the £2.50 charge (via the payment machine in the car park or via the Ringo App, in addition to the training fee to the club. Parents of the gymnasts for our 11am class, we suggest you drop off and pick up as close to your daughter's training times to avoid car park charges.
We are sorry that, if you are a car driver, you have this additional charge to make, and we have made a reduction in the cost of our 10am class to help redress some of the additional charge.
How much does it cost to do gymnastics at Flames?
Our Saturday morning Gym Kids Group sessions are 6th April 2024, with payment on a pay-as-you-go basis. You can pay in cash on arrival or via bank transfer.
For all our other sessions, we organise our classes into 8-week 'terms'.
Gymnasts who attend our recreational programme (Gymnastics For All (GFA)) sessions pay £76.40 for 8 weeks attending once a week for an hour and a half.
Gymnasts who attend between an hour and a half and 7 hours pay £127.50 for an 8-week term.
Competition squad gymnasts pay £174 for 8 weeks and attend between 10 and 14 hours per week.